Monday, March 17, 2014

Meaning hang tag

Meaning hang tag
Meaning hang tags - Hang tags are what ? Filled with many printing companies and not the number of terms that are widely used interchangeably . I will try to fix what the cetak hang tag murah is always to explain the various ways they are used :
• Hang tag for clothing featuring the brand , size , background and related product information .
• As a card to show off little things like earrings , hair bows , jewelry and cards stuck just using the display hanging from your shelf .
• Hang tags can also be referred to as a parking permit hanging on the visor of your car .
Full color hang tag Hang absolute push your product or service to a new level . When creatively designed , they have a class lecture every retail product . Basically most often used in the fashion industry , retailers will use the hang tag showing prospective customers an idea of what might be like when worn garment .
They are some of the tips will Hang Tag you intend to have .
His tips are as follows :
Get Great Photos
Excellent photography goes a long way in assuring your future customers with wearability or usefulness of clothing or products that you want them to buy .
Image is Everything - Brand Yourself
When it comes to gaining market share , each brand visibility is key . Is the brand ? - Basically your logo . Make sure it is beautiful and sure to show it ! In fact , if photography is not your budget , do not worry - but not the logo ... and you are in danger ! Never get caught without your logo on the hang tag .
Which Side Are You On ?
Take it from the pros your printing , double side would be the way to go . Playing a hand to display products or services - using the medial side to talk about it . In fact , you can not depend on the salesperson there can be to learn all the answers . Give consumers a reason every order pembuatan label baju murah your products !
Best color ?
Any color ! Color is everything the system work efficiently not ignore the process of printing a full color hang tag . It will create a strong impression as a Broker Printing and Canada might be able to get a low price secret , the difference in charge between one and two color printing or 4 colors completely ignored .

Hang tags can now be hung very good business or home office should you prefer the addition of natural plants that have some support can also be beneficial to our environment . Great for indoor or outdoor part of the house , hang tag is actually a seed paper that comes with a free flower planter . Which is a little picture of Understanding Meaning hang tag .

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Details Relating to Hang tag

Details with respect to the hang tags - an opportunity to expand the marketing and branding efforts while displaying the price , size , and other information and facts of a product . The use of hang tags show concept where the company is detail oriented with strong visual impact that enhances the perceived importance of the product or service .
Hang tag or concept we quite often call sabagai swing tag can be called red heart hang tags linked to generation hang tag baby really helps you to determine the age of the Beanie Baby . Hang tag juga determine the significance of the Beanie Baby . You will find five versions of Beanie Babies Ty hang tag . Information and pictures printed on the bag mary beths nuts magazine world .
The first version of the hang tag , introduced in early 1994 . That was the beginning hang tags , 1 tag red heart , avoiding the " ty " before the tag types including small back Beanie Babies Collection , the name and number of the tag beanie grandeur Some have been produced in China and Korea , as well as others . The 1st generation hang tags come in just about the first generation of Beanie Babies with tags ivory dated 1993.
version 2 hang tag center , and then after it turned out was introduced in 1994 , has got the same small " ty " forward in the liver . Instead of a single cetak hang tag cepat , this could be the second version . In the remaining aspects of the tag point is a point that the government distributed beanie . hang tag giving the name and also a beanie -style figures . The back of the tag to barcode including big heart combined with good care of the tag to reference the phrase beanies second generation hang tag is included in the first generation tush tag dated 1993.
Generation hang tag 3rd , for the third time it has been available since 1995 , could be " Ty " printed on the front of the letter is available as an expandable balloon by almost the entire heart . In the tag could be the name of Beanie , amount of force , and the 'a' and ' of ' with love . You then come beanies third generation hang tags when using the first generation of tactics hanging ivory 1993 and 1995 and also the second generation hang tags ivory dated 1993 and 1995.
The fourth version of your tag , then introduced noisy . 1996 , provides a variety of changes . The " ty " letters that have tagged the next round will be moved assurance that " y " is lower then the " t " along with the yellow star to work with what the word " original Beanie Babies " written on it was found to produce the upper part of the right angle tags . At its best it is a lot of hang tags , Beanie including name , style number , under the age of poetry and Ty 's website address . A little corner brings a new heart that says , " always 3 or more " and " surface wash " Fourth generation hang tag beanies including third generation tush tag dated 1993, 1995 and 1996 , the fourth generation tush tag dated 1993, 1995 and 1996 plus a fifth generation tush tag dated 1993, 1995 and 1996 .
Your fifth version of hang tags , your fifth plus the fact that the latter is continuously introduced during early 1998 , almost like a human version of the fourth . Tag brings a new type face as yellow star while you're watching the tag . TM after " The Beanie Babies Collection " has turned into . Age of Beanie now practically non- quoted numeric and " Visit our website " has been removed . The back of the tag has not changed independent of the font . The fifth generation hang tags you can use tags beanies ivory occurred on the sixth generation , , 1993 1995 , 1996, 1997 and 1998 as well as the seventh generation tush tag dated 1999.

So far it hang hang tag is an issue that can be very loved utama label by people , especially the youth list . Maybe this is just a fraction of the details in connection with the hang tag .

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Creating a clothing label

Creating a clothing label Indonesia now it has become imperative for manufacturers of fashion , because there is a label baju in the brand name or logo which is the identity of the product that will be remembered by consumers .
Materials for making an assortment of clothes labels , among others ; woven damask , satin printing , damask satin , nylon etc. . Clothing labels damask woven or embroidered labels are often referred to with this suit label quality is high end of the label - other labels . Embroidery clothing labels are made with an advanced high-speed engine that will produce quality clothing labels . So , for fashion manufacturers who want to provide a quality label for products can use the embroidered label clothes that make you look exclusive product .
If you want to order or make your clothing embroidered labels can directly come to the clothing label manufacturing services , or if you do not have the time to come you can order directly online, way too easy to stay in touch by phone , email , ym and bbm . Price of embroidery the label is relatively more expensive than usual clothing label .
Design of embroidery clothing labels is very varied and unique design as it will easily attract the attention of consumers . Therefore , for the manufacturer who will make the embroidery fashion clothing label should make creative patterns and unique design dress embroidery label , embroidery label because the clothes are unique and creative consumers will think that the product also has a unique fashion terrsendiri .
Embroidery clothing label is a clothing label that is highly favored by manufacturers of fashion because it looks sturdy , durable , and not easily damaged . As a manufacturer of fashion certainly want to give the best to the consumers including brand or label for clothes so it give you fashion products with embroidery clothing label that gives the impression of an elegant and exclusive .
So , for those of you just starting a fashion business can give embroidery desain label baju clothing label as a brand that sticks in your product that will make the product look more exclusive and will quickly accepted by consumers .
if you want to order or order clothing labels you can contact us at :
call/text: 085729377400 email:

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Clothes label

The fashion world is now growing very rapidly , various models of fashion products are now very varied and modern . Along berkembangan fashion world is now widely found clothing stores , boutiques and distributions which sells fashion products . In the products fashion clothing label is something that can not be abandoned because the clothing label or brand identity or characteristics of the product which will be a means of distinguishing between one product with another product .
If the first look for a seller clothing label still difficult and rare , now label clothes sellers are increasingly easy to find .
Selling clothing label with good quality is no longer that difficult to find , in Indonesia have much to sell a clothing label or brand with good quality and menggukan selected ingredients .
Selling clothing label with selected materials such as woven damask , satin printing , damask satin , nylon , hang tags , etc. , which is suitable for all types of fashion products and can certainly give the impression of exclusive and elegant in every product.

With the seller's label of quality clothes with a material of choice can be a good start to promote your products and build a good image for your fashion products in the public eye .
Sale labels label baju murah solo on clothes are now not only offline but also through online . Selling an offline clothing label has a weakness , because not all areas where there is a seller or a clothing label or brand . But has now helped by the clothing label online sellers , just contact or order by email or ym and bbm you will already get clothes labels easily and quickly .
Sell ​​clothing labels offline and online is the same , both offer a varied and interesting design . Design labels are attractive and unique outfit will be the center of attention of consumers . Therefore , create a label design creative and unique clothes can be a very effective promotional tool to introduce your fashion products to consumers in Indonesia .
who want a message for clothes labels , price labels , clothing labels , shoe labels , hang tags and the like kind of woven material , printing satin , nylon please just hubungi kami !

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Simbol - simbol pada Label Penjagaan Pakaian

Pada pakaian seperti kemeja , seluar , tuala dan lain sebagainya , biasanya disenaraikan sebuah label penyelenggaraan di bahagian dalamnya . Label ini mengandungi simbol - simbol yang menuntun kita dalam memelihara pakaian tersebut agar awet dan tahan lama . Kerana setiap pakaian tidak sama bahan kain pembuatnya sehingga diperlukan perlakuan khusus untuk masing - masing jenis kain . Misalnya saja , ada pakaian yang diperbuat daripada kain nilon , sutera , bulu , kapas , linen dan lain - lain .

Simbol - simbol yang ada di label pakaian murah ini biasanya juga dilengkapi dengan keterangan singkat yang menjelaskan arti dari simbol - simbol yang disenaraikan di label tersebut . Simbol - simbol penyelenggaraan pakaian ini banyak ragamnya . Simbol - simbol ini biasanya terbahagi dalam 7 kumpulan , iaitu suhu , pemutih , pengubahan , dobi , pengeringan , peras ugut , dan suhu seterika .

Nah , berikut ini 7 kumpulan simbol yang harus diperhatikan dalam merawat pakaian agar awet dan tidak cepat rosak .

1 . simbol Suhu
Simbol suhu menunjukkan suhu atau suhu yang diperlukan atau yang boleh diterima oleh pakaian tersebut . Jika tak ada tanda - tanda pada simbol bak berisi air , maka kita mencuci pakaian tersebut dengan suhu normal .

2 . simbol Pemutih
Simbol pemutih ini digambarkan dengan segi tiga . Bila pada label pakaian terdapat gambar segi tiga , bermakna kita boleh memakai pemutih . Sedangkan gambar segitiga berwarna hitam disilang bermakna kita dilarang untuk memakai pemutipada pakaian tersebut .

3 . simbol Pencucian
Jika pada simbol tab cuci terdapat gambar tangan , bermakna pakaian ini dicuci dengan tangan atau secara manual , tidak boleh dengan mesin basuh .

4 . Simbol Dry Clean
Cucian Clean merupakan cara mencuci untuk menghilangkan noda - noda yang degil seperti tanah liat , cat atau bahan kimia yang tumpah dan melekat pada pakaian dengan menggunakan sedikit air atau tanpa air sama sekali . Cara mencuci seperti ini boleh membuat warna pakaian pudar dan mengecut . Bila ada gambar lingkaran , bermakna pakaian ini boleh di - cucian kering . Sementara bila logo lingkaran tersebut diberi tanda silang artinya pakaian tersebut tidak boleh di - cucian kering .

5 . simbol Pengeringan
Panduan untuk mengeringkan pakaian ini digambarkan dengan logo lingkaran dalam persegi . Pakaian harus dikeringkan dengan suhu rendah bila hanya ada satu titik dalam lingkaran . Sedangkan bila ada tanda silang pada logo , bermakna pakaian tidak boleh dikeringkan dengan mesin .

6 . Simbol Suhu seterika
Bila ada satu titik di dalam logo seterika , bermakna pakaian tersebut diseterika dengan suhu rendah . Semakin banyak titiknya , semakin tinggi darjah suhunya . Jika gambar seterika diberi tanda silang artinya pakaian tidak boleh diseterika .

7 . Simbol Pemerasan Pakaian
Tak semua pakaian boleh diperah sehabis dicuci . Jika kita mencari logo pakaian diperas yang disilang artinya kita dilarang untuk memeras pakaian tersebut .

Monday, March 3, 2014

Shopping Tips Online Clothing and clothing labels

Sell ​​Online Clothing Labels and Clothing Online has now mushroomed where - where , as a customer we have to be smart in choosing the place of buying merk baju distro and selling online
1 . Make sure you know the fashion and price that will be purchased , at the same place. Survey ladies boutique is very important here .

2 . Make sure the items to be purchased , the material is not material market . If necessary , take samples themselves .

3 . Try it first and make sure it fits in the body fall .

4 . Either the same kind of fashion outlets of his guards , who know there is an additional discount .

5 . Better not bid if you are not too keen , because it would offend the seller boutique .

6 . If the guards did not want to keep women boutique at a price you want , pretend baseball needs . If lucky , the guard will call and you can dapet desired item .
That tips Shopping Clothing and clothing Label Online If you are unsure and want to buy a late Clothes Please Contact Label Label Services Online Clothes reliable :

Email : or our website.